Volunteering With Rat Terrier Rescue Canada - Volunteering - Join Our Pack!
Like many rescue organizations, Rat Terrier Rescue Canada operates solely on the efforts of volunteers. Our work would be impossible without their dedication. Each volunteer harbors a deep affection for our dogs and a fervent desire to work with the rescue to save as many as possible. The journey from shelter to a finalized adoption involves several stages, with a range of volunteer roles throughout the process.
First and foremost we always need foster homes, both in Canada and the Southern States.
Our foster networks in the Southern States are connected to high-kill shelters and street rescues, striving to save as many dogs as their homes can hold. It's a challenging endeavor, witnessing numerous animals in distress, abandoned or surrendered by their owners, surviving on the streets without shelter, food, or water, or languishing in shelters, uncertain of their fate.
We collaborate closely with shelters in Ontario to provide temporary homes for dogs in need, as long as we have an available foster spot.
To express interest in becoming a foster home, kindly complete the application provided below and refer to our fostering section for additional details.
To transport our southern dogs to Canada, we need volunteers for their journey. The rescue provides transport from US to Canada but we still require drivers to go from their Canadian entry point, spanning the 401 corridor from Windsor to Ottawa and sometimes spanning north to the Barrie area and occasionally beyond, to reach their foster homes and adopters.
Typically, we have a monthly influx of dogs and require drivers to help with various routes along the way.
View our page on It Takes A Village to see some of our transport photos.
Administrative Work
As you can see, you don't have to do the job alone, maybe have your dog cuddle up with you while you work or better yet, have a foster dog keep you company!🐶
If you like administration work you can help process applications, check references, arrange home visits or assist with transport coordination or do fundraisers.
Also if you are a student and needing volunteer hours you are welcome to contact us.
We are always looking for volunteers in the administration area for help with:
Processing Applications
Home Visits
Reference Checks
Social Media
Database Programming
If you're a crafter, knitter, or someone who can sew blankets or quilts, we would appreciate your donations. Our foster dogs need warmth during the cold winter months! We may even enter your work into a raffle to aid in fundraising!
Faces of the Homeless Who Now Have Names Because We Have Volunteers!
Everyone can contribute to saving lives by fostering, adopting, volunteering, donating, or advocating for homeless dogs in need.
The word "We" in a rescue means an entire village of people working endless volunteer hours with hopes of saving as many dogs as our volunteers can manage.