

Financial Literacy

Prerequisite: None 

1 Semester 2.5 credits Grades 10 – 12

This course is designed to prepare students to become financially literate and financially responsible both in their personal lives as well as within their community. Components of the course are intended to assist students to develop a framework for financial literacy. Students explore managing money, credit and debt, planning, saving and investing, being a critical consumer, managing risk, and understanding how to use wealth for the betterment of the community. The course includes simulations of investing and acting as a financial consultant to others while also promoting active citizenship and charitable giving in the global economy.

Design Thinking: How to Innovate for the 21st Century (Honors)

Prerequisite: Demonstrated Academic Achievement, Teacher Recommendation

1 Semester 2.5 credits Grades 11 – 12

There is a tremendous demand for innovative leadership in business, engineering, the technology sector, government, social agencies, and in all of the academic fields. Colleges and universities are seeking students who can demonstrate the ability to think critically, problem-solve, and apply knowledge in creative and innovative ways. New inventions, technical and scientific breakthroughs, complex social and political solutions, entrepreneurial initiatives, and the arts are dependent on innovative thinking and applications.

This course will teach “design thinking (innovation) methodology,” modeled after Stanford University’s Design Thinking Institute. Students will learn the methodology of innovative thinking and problem-solving, partner with an actual company to innovate for a real-world client, and conclude the semester by identifying and designing a solution for a real-world social or institutional problem. The course is interdisciplinary in nature and will be taught in part by a team of teachers from various Ramsey High School academic departments. Students will also work with a consultant, trained at the Stanford Design Thinking Institute.

Profile Project Seminar*

Prerequisite: None

1 Semester 2.5 credits Grade 12

*Profile Pathway course

A Profile Project is an authentic, multifaceted capstone experience that allows for exploration of a passion, personal interest, or curiosity.  The seminar program provides an opportunity for a senior to pursue what interests him or her under the advisement of a mentor. The course provides a forum for students to connect meaningful learning outside of school to recognition inside it. Overarching project types include portfolio defense, research exhibition, experimental finding, service learning, and event coordination.  Project ideas are presented in a Proposal and the student collaborates with his/her seminar instructor to delineate goals, develop a plan of action and identify an for research. Project requirements are designed for all students to apply Profile of a Graduate competencies to a personally meaningful context that culminates in student growth. A public Defense of Learning is a core component for the seminar program.  

Specialized Programs

Gifted and Talented Program

Grades 9 - 12 

The Ramsey Gifted and Talented Program on the high school level offers group and individual enrichment activities. The Gifted and Talented teacher will be working with students who have demonstrated high talent or ability levels in areas of special academic talent, general intellectual ability, creative and productive thinking, visual and performing arts and leadership.

Individual Opportunities: Students will be exposed to a broad menu of activities designed to develop critical thinkers who are reflective consumers of information. The experiences will include exercises to foster problem-solving, decision-making, use of deductive reasoning and logic, and role-play to consider issues from multiple perspectives. Students will be detectives, puzzle decoders, analysts, thinkers, architects and involved participants who challenge their own limits.

Virtual High School

Ramsey High School has a partnership with Virtual High School (VHS). VHS is a collaboration of more than 200 high schools from across the country and around the world. This partnership offers students an opportunity to experience learning via the Internet. Since joining the VHS consortium in the late 2000’s, hundreds of Ramsey High School students successfully completed courses and earned high school credit through VHS. These courses included Screenwriting Fundamentals, Peacemaking, Criminology, Animal Behavior and Zoology, Art History, and Sports and American Society.

VHS courses are exciting, innovative, and interesting. Students have a lot of freedom to get their work done where and when they want. Students have to motivate and discipline themselves; this is why VHS is not for everyone. Students should consider taking a VHS course if they are self- motivated, self-disciplined learners, who use technology proficiently. Interested students are invited to apply to participate in VHS for the 2022-23 school year.  Enrollment is limited.

To learn more about VHS, visit

Interested students should contact Mrs. Kilday,  in the Guidance Office. 

Independent Study

The Independent Study Program at Ramsey High School is designed to give highly motivated students an opportunity to pursue an area of interest in a more thorough manner. All areas of the curriculum are open to independent pursuits. The subject is taken over and above students’ regular course of studies. Each program is designed with the approval of the teacher, Department Supervisor, Counselor and Principal.

Student looking to complete a Profile Project on their own can opt to take an independent study Profile Project Seminar. Students exercising the independent study option will work under the advisement of a content specialist to assist them I their area of expertise relevant to the student's project. Additionally, students will be assigned a mentor who will guide them through the Profile Project Components. Students who are interested in the Independent Study option will need to submit a proposal by June 1st of their Junior year.

Academic Support Programs

The Academic Support program offers eligible students supplemental instruction in reading, writing, math and organization skills. The program places a major emphasis on preparation for the NJSLA. Students are selected on the basis of their performance on the NJSLA as well as other district standardized tests. Students who score below the state minimum levels of proficiency are eligible for the Basic Skills Improvement program.

Academic Support

1 year 5 credits Grades 9 - 12

1 semester 2.5 credits Grades 9-12

Students who fall below the minimum levels of proficiency on the NJSLA and other standardized assessment tests are given remedial instruction in language arts, and mathematics in preparation for the NJSLA.

Student Aides

Library Aides

Prerequisite: librarian recommendation and approval of principal 

Credits determined by hours Grades 9 - 12

Aides will be performing duties in the main reading room, media center, and processing room. Some activities involved are circulation work at charging desk; attendance compilation and checks; shelving and recovering; jacketing, stamping, and labeling of books.

Office Aides (Main Office, Guidance, Nurse)

Prerequisite: Approval of principal

Credits determined by hours Grades 11- 12

Students who elect to be a student aide one period each day instead of having a study hall will be recommended by the Business Education Department supervisor to the department supervisor requesting the help of a student aide. Duties include typing, answering the telephone, filing, and other clerical jobs. Additional duties will be assigned by the department supervisor.

Special Education Aides

Prerequisite: None 

5 periods per week; as schedule permits Grades 11- 12

Students who think they may be interested in a career in special education or those who just wish to be helpful might consider working closely with teachers and special education students.