what can YOU do?

Project Glowing✨

  1. Take part in the Myth vs Fact quiz we will be sending out through your emails to find out the seriousness of the impacts of plastic on the environment

  2. reduce the usage of one time use plastics as much as possible, especially now since everyone is encouraged to take-away, and this may inevitably cause the spike in usage of one-time use plastic. (Follow our IG page: @proj.glowing)

  3. Use alternatives to plastic bags, reducing its usage (look out for an informative online page about practical ways to use less plastic bags in their daily lives that will be sent out)

    1. use other items such as newspaper, jars and tins to line waste paper baskets

    2. crush up your trash they have (tin cans, etc), so one bag is able to hold more rubbish, reducing the amount of plastic trash bags used

Project Minime(se)

1. We will be having a collection of building materials for the making of eco-friendly stools! They will be bundled together to form a stool and place it in the library as an alternative to furniture.

  • Plastic bottles (1.25 litre bottles)

  • Soft plastic waste (uncontaminated)

2. Follow our tips on social media to reduce plastic waste (e.g. our Instagram posts)! 🤩

  • We will be posting updates every week this month, with tips on how to recycle during the full HBL period

  • We will be posting quizzes and other initiatives such as bingos related to recycling on our Instagram page

  • Take pictures of yourself recycling/reusing or following our tips, and upload it to IG!

3. Make use of the differentiated recycling bins around the school! We are hoping to have more recycling bins around the school so that it is more convenient for you, please make use of it :)

Project Terra🌱 🌿

1. Project Terra will be having workshops in Semester 2 to educate students on how to keep green and keep our planet clean! Do look out for information in Semester 2 and we hope to seek your active participation! 🤩

2. Do follow our Instagram page @projectterra for updates on our initiatives as well as tips on being more sustainable!

3. In light of the Covid-19 situation, many of you would be at home! During this period, we hope that you will take some steps to be more sustainable!

      1. When purchasing food, do bring your own lunch boxes to reduce waste. When delivering food to your houses, some delivery applications also have the option of choosing no cutlery! Another option would also be to support tingkat delivery, where you are served food in reusable metal tingkats. You can refer to this link for a list of caterers who do tingkat deliveries: tinyurl.com/zerowastefooddeliverycovid compiled by ProjectbeECOme!

      2. Why not lend a helping hand to those in need while doing your part for the environment! You can donate to migrant workers in wish-making platforms such as these: https://sheet2site.com/s/majulahbelanja/ Things that you no longer use such as boardgames, old phones may come in handy for migrant workers and give your items a new lease of life!

      3. If you’re bored at home, try out some new recipes! We encourage you to try some eco-friendly and zero-waste recipes! According to A report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that the agricultural and animal husbandry industries make up about 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with animal products making up about 58% of all carbon dioxide emissions from the food industry. Try swapping out your meat with veggies or beans. You can even try vegan meat! :o Here’s a youtube channel you may refer to for zero-waste recipes: https://zerowastechef.com/recipe-index/

Activities for saving the environment!

Project's Terra: Suggestions