Earth Day CLE Lesson

What is Climate Change?

What Bad Habits Do You Have, and What Can You Do to Change Them?


Whenever I drink bubble tea, or any other packeted drink to be frank, always uses plastic which I immediately throw away, which harms the environment. I can bring my own reusable cup and ask for my drink to be contained in it. (101)

I use disposable floss almost every day. I can use reusable floss. (104)

I have a habit of using too much paper in my school work. Instead of throwing it away, I can use both sides of the paper. (108)

Using plastic straws very VERY frequently. I can try using metal straws or even no straws at all. (108)

I take very long showers so I should take shorter showers. (108)

Using too much water to wish the dishes. I can try to turn on the tap to a smaller power when I wash the dishes. (110)

I waste rather large amounts of food because I really don’t want to eat. I will try my best to finish all my food and take only the right amount of food that I know I can finish. (111)


One bad habit I have is that I always use plastic bags given to me at supermarkets instead of bringing my own reusable bag. I will try to change this by reminding myself constantly to bring my own bag and refuse the plastic bags when asked. (209)

I waste a lot of paper by scribbling and simply throwing it away. I can reduce my waste by keeping a recycling bin full of half-used paper for me to finish using. (211)

A bad habit I have is using an excessive amount of tissues. I can cut down on tissue wastage and try to use multiple-use things like cloth instead of tissue. (211)

My bad habit is that I like to collect things (for example, notebooks, tapes, highlighters and pens), causing me to buy more than I need. From now on, I plan to buy only what I need and convince myself that if I buy more unnecessary things, I am causing harm to the environment. (211)


I'm not used to sort my waste. I can set different rubbish bins in my house and throw my trash accordingly. (304)

I buy a lot of vegetables and fruits from the supermarket that have plastic packaging. To change this habit, I can consider bulk buying from places like farmers market and bring my own glass jars to keep my groceries so I greatly reduce the amount of plastic packaging consumed. (307)

I drink bubble tea alot, and whenever i drink, i ask for a plastic straw. although i do have a metal straw, it does not have a pointed tip, and hence cannot be poked into the plastic cover. sometimes when i forget to bring my own carrier, i also ask for plastic bags :( since i drink bubble tea quite often, i think i contribute quite a bit to plastic waste annually. for one i think i can start to drink less bubble tea! it's not good for my health anyway! i can also buy a metal straw with a pointed tip, then i wld never need a plastic straw again! (310)

I use plastic bags to store my breakfast in the morning before going to school. I can start using recyclable lunchboxes instead to store my bread. (310)

Eating delivery, which results in material waste (from disposable cutlery) I can opt for personally going to food outlets and bringing my own reusable containers If I must order takeout, I should refuse disposable cutlery (310)

I love shopping and I buy too many clothes. To make space for new clothes, I end up throwing away perfectly good clothes. I think I can donate the clothes to charities so there's less wastage. I will try to stop shopping so much. (313)


Forgetting to bring a reusable bag when doing grocery shopping; remind myself to bring one (e.g. reminder on the fridge). (414)

Are Governments and Citizens Taking Sufficient Action Towards Zero Waste?


Most of the governments around the world are stepping up to take on the task of achieving zero waste, and with government influence, many citizens are too. There are more initiatives to clearing polluted areas and more organisations being created to promote zero waste. I understand that countries still need to develop in order to keep abreast with the increasing demand for future technological cities through artists' impressions and expectations of the people, so the countries cannot immediately stop producing carbon emissions as factories are essential in the development of a country. (104)

Some shops are making people pay if they need bags, but not all. (108)

Yes, Singapore goverment introduced Resource Sustainability Act and citizens were using reusable utensils and shopping bags. (304)

The government facilitated the setting up of infrastructure to collect, store and recycle different types of items and materials, and have stepped up education to change attitudes and behaviours towards reducing, reusing and recycling. Citizens have not been taking sufficient action towards achieving zero waste. I don’t usually see Singaporeans using reusable items. (401)


People in Singapore still waste a lot of resources as we live in our type of fast paced lifestyle. (108)

There are not a lot of campaigns and even if there are, they are little known and people do not know about them and hence do not take past in them. (207)

No, I think the government is trying to take some steps to achieve zero waste and is trying to advocate for zero waste, but due to reasons like economic benefits, the policies and laws in place are not tight enough and hence citizens are not well aware and are not compelled to work towards zero waste (302)

Singapore government is still quite laxing on carbon usage, I have learnt that carbon tax in Singapore is even lower than water usage. Citizens are still seen walking around with plastic grocery bags. (310)

The government should implement more laws instead of just ‘encouraging’ people/factories to do certain things. if it’s not required by the law, there are always going to be people/factories who can’t be bothered (411)


However, I think that our Singaporean government can do a bit more to challenge climate change. The government should implement rules such as if you do not use your own recyclable bag to purchase goods from the supermarket for example, they would have to pay to use the plastic bags provided by the supermarket, and this rule would apply to all supermarkets as not all the supermarkets in Singapore charge for the use of their plastic bags. (104)

The government can increase the price of cars while making public transport cheaper, to encourage people to take public transport more often to reduce carbon emissions. (206)

I think different governments have vastly different stances on this issue. For example, there is a village in Japan which has achieved zero waste through all the people’s cooperation (frequent and meticulous sorting of trash into plastic, metals, etc.) but some other countries are currently doing nothing. (209)

My family recycles at least once a week and we try not to buy take away. However, I see Singapore has a tendency to use styrofoam containers for food so the vendors need to encourage the consumers to bring their own containers. The government has already provided us citizens recycling bins around the estates and in shopping malls, however most of us don't think of using them and choose to use the general waste bin instead. (307)

“It depends on the country. For more developed countries, although they tend to produce large amounts of waste everyday, their governments have a greater capacity to achieve zero waste. This means that the governments have more political will and financial capacity to invest in zero waste initiatives, as well as spread awareness about it to the citizens. As for less developed countries, they may still produce substantial volumes of waste. However, their governments have more pressing issues to tend to (such as alleviation of poverty) hence they usually do not take sufficient action towards achieving zero waste. However, I think in general more can be done towards achieving zero waste. Most countries tend to place a much heavier emphasis on other things like economic growth instead of environmental conservation” (401)

Why Are There People Who Do Not Believe in Climate Change?


There are a few possible reasons. Firstly, some people might be aware of climate change, but do not want to accept it, or just simply cannot be bothered to do anything about it. Secondly, the effects of climate change are not so dramatic and obvious in the current situation, thus people might think that it is not severe enough for them to do anything about it. Lastly, it is possible that some people think that they, as an individual, have little power to change anything in the world. (101)

First of all, it could be for convenience, where some deny the existent of such things that they need to put in the effort to prevent. Second, there are many people influenced by politicians who do not believe in the science once again for convenience. (104)

Because technology is very advanced and then they will think that even if Earth is destroyed, they will still rely on technology to solve the problem. (108)

If they take actions against climate change, there will not be immediate positive effects. (110)


Some think that climate change will only affect future generations (i.e. the effects of climate change will only be seen in the future), therefore they are unwilling to do anything. (208)

Some people think that their actions won’t have much of an effect as they are only one person. On top of that, if plastic keeps on being produced despite urges not to to use them, some do not see a point in trying to recycle when the ones advocating for climate change are the producers. (209)

Because they can’t see the effects of climate change, and the people who bring attention to climate change tend to be politicians/rich people (in reference to Vox video shown) who have benefited off climate change (e.g. starting new businesses). Climate change is kind of like Covid-19; you can’t see the effects until it’s too late. (212)


They are against the idea of climate change as they earn profits from it (e.g. burning of fossil fuels for energy production, hence they do not believe in climate change to maintain their business profits. (302)


“Some people have not fully understood or realised the extent to which climate change is occurring. To them, climate change is a phenomenon that appears not to have any direct or immediate impacts on them hence they do not believe in it. However, the reality is that climate change affects our daily lives and in the long term, it could drastically change our global environment.” (401)

Some people feel that it is too difficult to slow down climate change so they are in DENIAL and are actually just scared to do it. (410)

They feel that it’s a waste of time and also a loss of profits if companies/corporations spend additional money to make greener products etc. (Donald Trump is a famous cynic of climate change) (414)

What Zero Waste Habits Do You CURRENTLY Have?


I practise upcycling. E.g. I turn milk tea cups into pencil holders. I also use shoe boxes as table organisers. (102)

I keep a folder which stores all my rough papers that I have not finished using fully. (108)

My whole family has this thing called “lights off” where we turn off all electronics (like lights that are not in use) at 8 at night when we sleep. (108)

Every week after my family gets milk cartons, we wash and recycle them when they become empty. (111)


Fruit peels can be used as fertilisers. / Recycle correction tape/pen refills. (202)

My family keeps out plastic bags for any trash we have, we also recycle our cardboard cartons and glass bottles. Blackmore’s used to have an option to exchange empty bottles for discounts so we did that too. My mom and sister also keep their makeup bottles/lipstick stuff when they’re empty so that they can exchange it for discounts as well. (203)

I recycle my old worksheets (from P6) or assessment books instead of just throwing them away. (203)

I saw a trick online where we can cut up used paper and soak it in water before leaving it to dry again. This allows us to have more paper and not throw away unused paper. (208)


Reduce: I practice zero waste by always bringing my own lunchbox for lunch instead of taking the disposable take-aways Reuse: I do not throw away newspapers and magazines, I use them to do craft instead Recycle: I dispose trash in recycle bins when I am outside and I make sure I don't throw food trash into recycle bins. (307)


I bring my own reusable cup when I go to the coffee shop! And when I dabao I also bring my own box.. sometimes the auntie ends up giving me more but it's ok! (404)

MOVING FORWARD: Zero Waste Pledges


I will try not to use too much tissue paper as that will contribute to the amount of waste I have. (104)

I will encourage my friends and families to curb inconsiderate practices like over-using plastic bags and utensils. (104)

I will have Meatless Mondays. (108)

From now on, I will use the fan more often and use the air con less (108)

From now on, I will try to save tissue paper and not clog the toilet when unnecessary. (108)

I will bring my own flask to Starbucks to save money and reduce the use of plastic. (111)

I, as a citizen of the world, pledge to aim for a zero waste life. I will use reusable bags, bring my own cutlery, and say no to plastic straws. We will act, and not just speak. I believe that every simple act makes a difference, and together as one, let’s strive for zero waste. And that’s that, we will not go back on our word. (112)


We can remove the dustbin we have in class and only have one shared essential dustbin, while having more recycling bins (212)


From now on, I will try to buy things that are packaged in natural materials rather than plastic. I will also try to ask myself whether I really need the thing I am going to buy. (303)

From now on, I will use pen refills instead of buying new pens every time one runs out (303)

I will stop using so much single-use cutlery :) and reduce my meat and dairy consumption (305)

I pledge to use toilet paper wisely and not use 4 squares for small business I will stop using single-use plastic bags, cutlery and straws to reduce the plastic waste generated by me. (307)

One new habit I will cultivate is to print paper two-sided (310)

When I buy drinks, I will not take straws, and I will try to avoid ordering delivery food. I will also buy fruits that may not look very nice but are still ok to eat. (314)


I can start bringing a cloth bag to carry vegetables from the supermarket instead of using the plastic bags provided. I can use the government provided surgical mask instead of a surgical mask. (404)

From now on, I pledge to not eat meat for one meal twice a week to reduce meat intake because cows emit a lot of methane in their waste gases and it is bad for the environment, other animals also eat a lot of plants. (410)

I want to start to learn how to do composting. (411)