Butterfly Garden

Introduction: The Butterfly Garden

Vision: Let Colour Flutter By Our Cocoon

Mission: A Colourful and Green Space for All

Our Goals

    • To create a colourful and green space for staff and students alike to learn about and enjoy nature

    • To increase awareness of green spaces in RGS

    • To protect butterflies, bees and other pollinators: These species, while vulnerable, are essential in the reproduction of many flowering plants! They preserve the genetic diversity of our garden by allowing natural selection to continue to take place.

Our Ethos: Sustainability

  • “Living with the earth”: Our plants are carefully selected for their synergy and their ability to attract butterflies in the long run. Instead of chemicals, we use compost and bone meal as fertiliser.

  • Recycling: The centrepiece of our garden is an upcycled work of art, made up of recycled bottle caps. We would like to thank the Design and Technology teachers for their help in making this possible.


Near the library on Level 1, at the back of the school. Cross the bridge near the pond, or enter from the North Gate.