Marathon Kids

Marathon Kids

Marathon Kids is an 8 week programme usually targeting 5th and 6th Class students in schools. Our 5th and 6th class pupils were doing the hugely successful and enjoyable Tri Heroes programme so Marathon Kids was introduced to the eighty pupils in 3rd and 4th classes in our school. We were invited to participate through our local Sports Partnership here in Mayo. We started the programme in the crisp days of Spring and finished the programme in brilliant May sunshine

Students did four running sessions each week inching them closer to completing their first marathon as well as learning about the benefits of physical activity. All children made huge improvement and gained confidence. All classes in the school increased their activity as a result. So much so, over 130 pupils from our school completed the recent Mayo Sports Partnership/Western People Mini Mini Marathon (1km) held in Ballina recently. Marathon Kids has been a great initiative that has had clear benefits on so many levels.

On the 11th of May, we were invited to a showcase event at the track in Ballina and former Olympian David Gillick was there to run the final lap with us. He spoke to us about the importance of enjoying running with friends and the benefits it can bring. Not alone that, David Gillick visited our school afterwards and spent the afternoon meeting classes and affirming the great work being done by all teachers to promote physical activity.