History of our School

Three schools in the Quay area

The Quay area has had three schools since 1873, the year the first school was opened. 

School one:

This school had two classes and was built of clay and stones. Not surprisingly, the use of poor building materials combined with dampness meant that the school closed quite soon. There is now a house on this site. This school closed in 1885.

School two:

The second school was opened in 1895 and is the school that a number of grandparents and great grandparents of current pupils were educated. The land on which the school was built was donated by a Mrs Cowley. Her son Anthony later became Principal of the school in 1920. It was built as a two classroom school. It was a very basic structure with a fireplace in each classroom.  The school had 'dry toilets' which the boys had to clean out every Friday. This school was closed in 1983 and the building is now used as the base for the River Moy Search and Rescue.

School three:

Our existing school was opened as an eight classroom school on a spacious site on Cregg's Road. In recent years, with growing enrolment figures our school now has fourteen classrooms with a current enrolment of 357 pupils.