Decade of Centenaries All-Island History competition winners

The decade 2012–2023 is categorised as the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ as it marks the centenary of a number of important historical events and developments that occurred in the period 1912–1923, and which formed a vital role in the formation of modern Ireland.

As part of the commemoration programme for the ‘Decade of Centenaries’, students at all levels of primary and post-primary across the island of Ireland were invited, in the 2022-2023 school year, to enter the annual all-Island schools’ history competition. The selected themes have a particular link to events of a century ago across the island of Ireland.

The Decade of Centenaries All-Island Schools’ History Competition, for both primary and post-primary, is run by the Department of Education and University College Cork School of History. It is also supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and ‘History Ireland’.

Three projects were submitted to the competition from our school and one of our projects was named as the winner of the 'Women during the revolutionary period in Ireland' category. The project explored the life of Dr. Kathleen Lynn and her contribution to the revolutionary period and to the health care of children. Our other projects explored the contributions of Countess Markievicz and Erskine Childers to the revolutionary period. Well done to all the pupils involved as they advanced their skills as historians.

Our All Island History comp winners were presented with their prestigious medals by History Professor at UCC Dr Hiram Morgan in historic surroundings of Aula Maxima. Present were Department of Education Officials and Inspectorate.

Our All Island History comp winners were presented with their prestigious medals by History Professor at UCC Dr Hiram Morgan in historic surroundings of Aula Maxima. Present were Department of Education Officials and Inspectorate. Dr Finola Doyle O’Neill gave a great overview of our project on Dr Kathleen Lynn

Beautiful medals and certificates to acknowledge our achievement

Beautiful medals and certificates to acknowledge our achievement. One of our recommendations is to name the new national Children’s Hospital after Dr Kathleen Lynn 

Kathleen Lynn - Project Text
Countess Markievicz - Project only
Erskine Childers - Project only