Fluxspace 2.0

April 4, 2022

Nearly five months ago, my peers and I traveled to Fluxspace for the first time ever. As previously discussed in another reflection of mine, we were in awe the second we emerged through the doors. Our eyes lit up with amazement at the sight of this beautiful warehouse brightly illuminated by natural light, and it was all dedicated to innovation.

When we had discussed taking another trip to Fluxspace, everyone was hands down on board. There wasn't the slightest hesitation and we were all eager to return. So there we were, unloading the bus once again in the parking lot in front of this disguised building. Only this time, no one seemed as delighted as we had the first time. In my opinion, however, this only demonstrated our growth as learners and as innovators.

The main difference with this most recent trip was the concentration. We knew exactly what to expect and we planned to make the most out of it. Instead of presenting an assigned project, we were able to demonstrate our passions to people who really seemed to care. Not that the previous panel had no interest, but this panel appeared to really want to be involved and support us in any way possible. Each of us had dedicated so much time and effort into these presentations, but we were much more involved and had become much more vulnerable within them. Most of us were even disappointed that we weren't able to see all of our peers' presentations.

I think a third trip to Fluxspace would be outlandish and rushed just for the idea of it, but I do think that more than one trip is crucial to the development of innovators within Nova Lab. The first trip served as an ice breaker for us to grow comfortable with the new and unique environment. The second voyage helped us feel more like leaders and gave us that last nudge of confidence when presenting our ideas, allowing us to follow through on the true purpose of this class: making a real impact on the world around us.