April 28

Life lately has been pretty hectic at Project Zero headquarters (also referred to as our high school). Seniors are anxiously awaiting the end of the school year as we all try to juggle the surplus of assignments on top of preparing for finals and AP exams. As this project runs entirely on seniors, it's safe to say that things have been a little slow. Except now, we can view that as more of a good thing.

After presenting to the safety committee and waiting less than a week, the project got the stamp of approval and our plans would finally be on the move. The only setback, however, is that it all starts next year. So as for this year, this doesn't leave much for us to do this year. With only a few weeks left before we all go our separate ways, our focus is narrowing. We're now focusing primarily on social media outreach and spreading the needed information to help prepare students for the upcoming change. All that's really left is a couple more meetings with administration to officially pass the baton and sort out any last questions and details.