February 23

February 23, 2022

Over the past month or so, my group has been working tirelessly - researching, contacting composting companies, meeting with administration - and our plan is on the move. The last couple weeks have been dedicated towards creating our official presentation for the upcoming school board meeting March 7. We have also been preparing for another meeting with administration as well as all other staff included in this composting process.

Our presentation in complete down to every final detail and the dates are set for our upcoming meetings. All that's left for us to do is to practice our speaking and persuasion tactics. Then the rest is up to the school board. When we find ourselves with extra time, we will spend it towards planning/setting up a social media platform for when we get the go-ahead.

There are lots of nerves mixed with excitement regarding this entire process. We've spend loads of time and effort towards this cause, and we're eager to put it in motion. However, the entire outcome of this project essentially resides in the power of the school board. If it does get denied, then there isn't really any alternative implementation. This process so far has been exhausting, rewarding, draining, and thrilling all at the same time. I'm not expecting everything to go according to plan, but if this project even slightly resembles how I picture it in my head, this could be the start of a more sustainable future.