As a noun, a slingshot has two different meanings. The first is an object that can either be used as a toy or weapon to shoot a projectile. The second is the effect of gravitational pull in acceleration and changing the course of another object. I believe both are accurately represented throughout life, just not in their conventional definitions.

When thinking about the tool with a y-shaped frame connected by a rubber band, a slingshot demonstrates the ups and downs of life. Similar to how a slingshot has to be pulled back in order to build momentum to project the object within, the setbacks and struggles of life are necessary for success in life. Without the obstacles and challenges we face, our achievements would be of no importance whatsoever and hold zero significance.

The slingshot that changes the course of another object represents the impact that each of us have as individuals. In a taunting world that seems too big for us to comprehend, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the noise. It's crucial that we keep in mind the potential of our personal impact and the idea that change starts with one person.

The concept of a slingshot is fully representative of the way we approach life. It changes the conventional perspective on life that discourages failure and prompts conformity, and alters it to a view which requires diversity and shortcomings to succeed.