
How to tune your instrument

How To Tune Your Instrument

Tuner and Metronome

Essential Elements Interactive

Essential Elements Interactive (also known as EEi) is a website connected to your Essential Elements book! Just make an account using the code at the front of your book, and you'll have access to dozens of recordings of all your exercises. You can even use the online version if you ever misplace your book. Click below and open your account today!


Use these flashcards below to learn and practice reading notes on the staff. See how quickly you can go through them. (: They focus on open strings as well as notes on the D string. 

Note-reading games

Getting bored of flashcards? Think you're fast enough for a game? Try this note reading game out! It begins with only a few open strings, then all of them, then notes on each string. If you are a visual learner, this may be the game for you!

Note-Reading Game

Music Racer

Ear training games

Ear training is when you do listening activities to make you better at hearing the difference between notes. These games can help you develop your ear, which can make you a better string player! See how far you can get. (:

Pitch Compare - Compare two notes and decide which is higher and which is lower. Level Easy.

Pitch Speed - Compare one note after another and decide whether the pitch is the same, lower, or higher. Level Medium.

Dango Brothers - Compare two pitches and use the arrows to change one until they match. Level Difficult.

Meet the Orchestra - Listen to the different instruments of the orchestra and see if you can remember all of them. 

Rhythm Trainer - Listen to various rhythms and see if you can figure out what the rhythm is!