100 Days of Practice Challenge

100 Days of Practice Challenge

The 100 Days of Practice Challenge is an annual event that begins on February 1st and runs until May 11th. The challenge entails practicing for at least 5 minutes every day. A student can technically complete this challenge any day of the year, but creating an official event allows students to complete the challenge with peers, talk about their progress, and feel a sense of community. 

There are two ways to join the challenge. The easiest way is to join the Flipgrid when it opens in January. All practice videos on Flipgrid will be moderated, meaning no one can see your video except your teacher. If you download Flipgrid as an app on your smart device, it makes it really easy to access and upload your practice videos. Flipgrid will keep track of all the videos you upload, including the date, so no extra work is needed to keep track of yourself. 

The second way to join is to use a paper chart. You can print a copy of the sheet below for yourself. This paper is also great to have handy in case you don't have access to the internet, you don't have access to a device, or if Flipgrid is just being glitchy. Parents or guardians do need to sign off for each individual day to confirm you practiced though. These sheets are due no later than May 19th to count towards the challenge. 

While the skills you build along the way should be a prize enough, I do offer prizes to students who make it to all 100 days (grand prize and "100 days" pin), or at least 90 days. All students who join receive a certificate of participation with their final count of days. 

Practice Ideas

Sometimes we don't have our instrument with us for a whole day, but that doesn't mean we can't practice! There are lots of different way to practice, check out some of the ideas below, and feel free to add your own!

Paper sheet

100 Days of Practice Sheet