Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Week 7

WALT: Create an amazing Narrative.

Learning Task



  1. Choose a picture
  2. Create your Narrative using the picture
  3. Be sure to follow the instructions on the Doc.
  4. Make sure all your punctuation is correct.
  5. Use this LINK to do your work
  6. Once its been DOUBLE CHECKED, Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.

Teacher Planning

Week 6

WALT: Understand what a Narrative Story is.

Learning Task


  1. As a class we will use a picture to create our first story together.
  2. You will choose a picture from the Doc that you will be following for your writing.
  3. You will write about the picture.
  4. Be sure to follow the instuctions on the Doc.
  5. Make sure all your punctuation is correct.
  6. Use this LINK to do your work
  7. Once its been DOUBLE CHECKED, Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.

Teacher Planning

Week 5

WALT: Use T.I.I.C and S.E.E in an Explanation Writing.

Learning Task

WK5 Explanation Writing
What is


  1. As a class, lets have a look at a picture and create a story together using T.I.I.C and S.E.E
  2. Check that we have all T.I.I.C and S.E.E in the writing.
  3. As a class, look at the writing task for this week.
  4. Choose a picture you are going to write about.
  5. Once you think you have finished, get it checked by a buddy before coming to Whaea Kelly.
  6. Make sure you use the WHAT IS slide deck to HELP you with your writing.
  7. Make sure all your punctuation is correct.
  8. Once its been DOUBLE CHECKED, Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.


is just a reminder for you to use and get use to using the S.E.E within your Explanation Writing.

Teacher Planning

Week 4

WALT: Follow a structure for Explanation Writing


Learning Task

Explanation Writing T1,WK3
What is


  1. As a class, let's list what we already know about writing an explanation.
  2. Let's take a deeper look at the structure of an explanation by watching the video and seeing if there is anything we forgot on our class list.
  3. With a partner, spend some time organising THIS MESSED UP EXPLANATION written by a former PES student.
  4. As a class, we will discuss the format we came up with and decide what we feel is the best format for the explanation.
  5. Once the explanation is in the correct order, work with your partner to complete the highlighting tasks shown on the document.
  6. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.


is just a reminder for you to use and get use to using the T.I.I.C and S.E.E

Teacher Planning

Week 3

WALT: Follow a structure for Explanation Writing

Learning Task

Explanation Writing T1,WK3




  1. As a whole class activity, we will activate prior knowledge about "What we know" about Explanation writing.
  2. Watch the video to help you with the understanding of Explanation writing
  3. Individually think and plan your writing, What you want to say in your writing.
  4. Use the Writing Template to section your writing.
  5. Once you have proof read and peer read, Send to Whaea Kelly
  6. Link your writing task to the Turn In Sheet.
  7. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentences about the task.

Monday - T = Title, I = Introduction - To be completed.

Tues / Wed - I = Information - 3 paragraphs, C = Conclusion

Thurs - Check and Complete all T.I.I.C, Post to your Blog

Teacher Planning

Week 1 / 2

WALT: write a specific introduction about ourselves.



  1. Listen to Whaea Kelly introducing herself to the class.
  2. Open a new doc in your writing folder, Title it "About Me" and your name.
  3. Individually think and plan your writing, What you want to say in your writing.
  4. Write your own "About Me" letter.
  5. Once you have proof read and peer read, Send to Whaea Kelly
  6. Link your writing task to the Turn In Sheet.
  7. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentences about the task.

Teacher Planning