Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Week 7

WALT: write a narrative using dialogue.


  1. As a class, we will spend some time reviewing what we know about narrative writing. We will then spend some time discussing what it looks like when we add dialogue to our writing.
  2. Each day this week, you will have about 20 minutes of time set aside for silent writing. Please make a copy of your writing task and save it to your writing folder.
  3. On Thursday morning, we will spend some time peer editing. Be ready to learn more about how this will work this year at this time.
  4. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.

Adding Dialogue

Week 6

WALT: write a narrative.


  1. As a class, we will spend some time discussing what we know about narrative writing,
  2. Each day this week, you will have about 20 minutes of time set aside for silent writing. Please make a copy of your writing task and save it to your writing folder.
  3. On Thursday morning, we will spend some time peer editing. Be ready to learn more about how this will work this year at this time.
  4. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.

Peer Editing Rubric:

Weeks 4 and 5

WALT: independently write an explanation.


  1. As a class, let's prepare for our Week 5 writing test and list what we already know about writing an explanation.
  2. Then, discuss what is takes to be a good Pt Englander.
  3. Make a copy of the explanation template and begin writing your own explanation. Once you are finished, please highlight your SEE paragraphs and have a partner edit it for you.
  4. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.
Introduction: Writing an Explanation W3T1

Week 3

WALT: structure an explanation.


  1. As a class, let's list what we already know about writing an explanation.
  2. Let's take a deeper look at the structure of an explanation by watching the video and seeing if there is anything we forgot on our class list.
  3. With a partner, spend some time organising this messed up explanation written by a former PES student.
  4. As a class, we will discuss the format we came up with and decide what we feel is the best format for the explanation.
  5. Once the explanation is in the correct order, work with your partner to complete the highlighting tasks shown on the document.
  6. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.

Week 2

WALT: understand the elements of an explanation


  1. As a class, we will discuss what we already know about writing an explanation.
  2. Let's work together to build some SEE paragraphs.
  3. Create your own infographic to help you to remember an element of explanation writing.
  4. Link your writing task to the Turn In Sheet.
  5. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.
Introduction: Writing an Explanation W3T1

Week 1

WALT: write for a specific audience.


  1. Listen to Mrs. Moala read her letter to the class.
  2. As a class, look over the letter and come up with possible topics for an introduction letter based on what Mrs. Moala shared.
  3. Write your own letter to Mrs. Moala introducing yourself.
  4. Link your writing task to the Turn In Sheet.
  5. Post your writing task to your blog. Be sure to include 2-3 sentence task description.
Mrs Moala Introduction Letter