Week 6: Cybersmart with Whaea Fiona.

We can confidently navigate and harness our device and learning applications

Use the Keyboard Shortcuts to practise moving, rotating and flipping pieces of the Tangram.

Open the Tangram Shapes and make a copy

Choose a Tangram Shape challenge and make a copy. Use the keyboard shortcuts to match the Tangram pieces to the black shapes.

Time yourself - how quickly can you complete? Record your time in a text box on the Google Drawing

Challenge a friend - who can complete a challenge first.

Remember Ctrl Z - If you move a piece and want to undo your move

Create your own Tangram Challenge using the the Black pieces and share on your blog for others to try. Include a link to a view only copy of your Google Draw so others can open an make a copy.

Week 5: Cybersmart with Whaea Fiona

Blog Detectives: What can we discover about our blogging team, based on what they are sharing online?

Blog Detective

  • Choose one of the class blogs from our blogging team.

  • Take some time to explore the blog posts and blog profile

  • Use Google Earth to locate their school

Choose a post from the class blog or one of the learner blogs to leave a comment this week.

Remember to think about our commenting criteria.

Week 4

Te Whare Tapa Wha

Te Whare Tapa Wha

Follow the instructions to complete this slide deck

Week 2-3: Cybersmart with Whaea Fiona

Smart Learner Challenge 2020

Blog Post

Sharing my goals for 2020

Use this template to draft your blog post

Text Graphic

Select some important text from your blog post and use Google Draw to create a Text-Graphic for your blog post.

Google Draw Template - Make a copy and replace image and text with your own.

Download as a PNG and insert your Text-Graphic in your blog post.