Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Week 8

WALT: Identify and explain the effect of language features in a text



1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Unpack the poetry and investigate the authors use of language features

3. Choose a create activity and share it on your blog

Week 7

WALT: Analyze the common elements of poetry

Perfect Poetry


1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Watch the video - what even is poetry?

3. Identify the key terms

4. Use your new knowledge to analyse the poems!

Week 6

WALT: understand new information by making connections to my life, texts I know and the world

Fast Talking PI


1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Watch the videos - who is Selina Tusitala Marsh?

3. Make connections between texts, to your life and with the world.

4. Choose a create activity and share it on your blog

Week 4/5

WALT: Share our opinions about a text

Stop the Sun


1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Read the texts and answer the questions

3. Create a static image that represents the text

Week 3

WALT: Share our opinions about a text

Dustbin Baby


1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Read the excerpt of Dustbin Baby

3. Create a book review and share it on your blog

4. Better book review

Week 1/2

WALT: work collaboratively to make sense of a text



1. Make a copy of the slides and put them in your reading folder

2. Read the excerpt of Rose Rivers

3. Read the website and investigate Jacqueline Wilson