Week 7 - Video Presentation

WALT write a script, and record a video that presents important information on a historical NZ Protest movement.

Historical Events - Script + Video Presentation


Your texts this week have centered around important historical protest movements; the Polynesian Panthers, Bastion Point Protests, and the Springbok Tour protests.

Your task for writing this week is to write a script and create a video presentation that  outlines key information about ONE of these historical protests.

Purpose: To inform your audience

Audience: A classmate who has not learnt about this topic.

Week 6 - Animation Voiceover

WALT:  write a detailed voiceover for my animation

Team 4 Term 3 Fit For Purpose Immersion Movie 2023.mp4


This week we are going to be creating a voiceover for our animations that we are creating in creative space with Mrs Burton. You will need to think about what your animation is showing a create a voiceover that will describe what the audience is seeing in your animation. Even if you haven't finished think about what your final product is going to look like! 

Room 8 Literacy - Writing Taskboard

Week 5 & 6 - Descriptive Writing

Check the taskboard for your weekly writing practice.

Each slide will contain a skill-building activity, working on a specific area of writing technique, and a writing task for you to complete.

Complete both, share your work on your blogs, and tick off the task on the Turn In Sheet

Week 3 - Overcoming Challenges

WALT:  Use complex, and compound sentences to add interesting details to our narrative writing.

Simple, Compound, or Complex?

Warm Up Task


Writing Task

Overcoming Challenges - Writing Task

Teacher Notes

Week 1 & 2 - Power of Positivity

WALT:  Use complex, and compound sentences to add interesting details to our narrative writing.


Teacher Notes

Sentence Structure - Literacy

Warm Up Task

Power of Positivity - Writing Task

Writing Task