
Suggested writing activities

* Practise writing your name correctly using a capital letter to start and then lower case letters

* Draw a picture and write about it. Use the alphabet and word cards at the bottom of this page to support your child as they write

* Write about something you have done

* Choose something from your home and write a description about it

* Write about a story you have read

* Cut out pictures of people, animals and places etc and label them

* Stretch your writing Vocab - How many words can you write in five minutes

* Writing words and letters on concrete with water and a paint brush, chalk or in sand

* Make lists - example a shopping list, colours, numbers, class mates' names, pets, animals

* Write a letter

* Make rhyming lists eg cat, bat, rat, fat

* Colouring and cutting activities to encourage fine motor skills

* Play dough letters and words

* Rainbow writing of basic sight words

* Write the alphabet - upper and lower case

* Daily handwriting - Focusing on starting place and correct formation. Follow the guidelines below and practise the letters in the correct sequence like        l t i j

*Here is a handwriting link showing how to form letters correctly.       Handwriting 

Essential word lists 1, 2, 3 and 4

Your child is currently working on learning to spell words from one of these lists. We usually focus on two words each week and practise these in a variety of ways eg rainbow writing, write them as many times as you can in a minute, write more words in pencil around the rainbow words.

Essential List 1-4

Alphabet and word cards