

Suggested activities you can try

* Learn and revise the alphabet. Focus on the letter names and sounds

* Sorting game - collect a group of objects from around the home and sort them by their first sound. Extra for Experts -  sort them by the last sound

* Word Wizard - think of words that start with the target sound for the week or a letter of your choice. Write words down as you go and read some together, drawing attention to the first sound in the word

* Clap each sound you hear in a cvc word for example bin, din, fin.

* Make Rhyming strings eg cat, hat, mat, bat, rat

* Word chains - Start with a word and ask your child to change it to a word with one letter different eg cat - cap - tap - top - hop . Can your child hear which letter needs to change to make the new word. Extra for experts , try longer words eg - flag - flap - clap - clop - slop