Suggested Maths Activities 

* Look for numbers, shapes and patterns in the environment 

* Play boardgames - Snake and Ladders

* Complete puzzles 

* Practise counting forwards and backwards

* Do Calendar Maths everyday. Use a child friendly calendar and a scrapbook

* Play card games -for example how many different ways can you make 5 ? You will find other card game suggestions for young children on the internet

* Ordering numbers - using a pack of cards deal 5 cards and order them. Expert for Experts deal 10 cards to make 2 digit numbers 

* Practise writing numbers. Focusing on formation

* Rainbow writing of numbers

* Sort objects into groups and talk about why they belong together 

*  Make a counting box. You could include a set of numbers, tape measure and interesting things to count. Remember to practise lots of one-to-one counting

 * Watch      Number Jacks

* Cut out shapes and make shape pictures and shape patterns

* Make a 100s board and count forwards and backwards in ones, twos, fives and tens

* Make number lines

* Do some baking and talk about the measurements 

* Watch and join in with counting to 100

* Make play dough together, measuring and discussing the ingredients - then have fun with it

Play dough ingredients

2 cups flour

1/2 cup salt

2 tablespoons cooking oil

2 tablespoons cream of tartar or baking soda

2 cups boiling water

1 teaspoon food colouring

Suggested Maths Sites