


What Writing looks like at home with your child…

Writing can cause some children to feel a little anxious or frustrated, so it is important to make it a fun experience!  Talk with your child about the magic that occurs when they write. The words that they have written have come directly from their brain! Wow!!  It gives us an insight into their imagination, thoughts, and dreams. 

Encourage your child to just write! Spelling mistakes and neatness are not always an indicator of a good story or writer.  Give them a fun cue card (like some of the examples attached) or exciting, real-life experience and get them to write! Once they have finished writing, ask them to read it back to you.  Share with them some positive feedback about their writing and then suggest what they could possibly do in the future to make their story even better. Publish the story and ask your child to illustrate it.  

You could even write a story together!