Courses Taught

Astro 1:  The Astronomical Universe

Last Taught: Fall 2020

Prerequisites:  None

A survey of Astronomy, from Stars to Galaxies to Cosmology and then back to the Solar System for non-science majors.

Astro 1H:  The Astronomical Universe (Honors Section)

Last Taught: Spring 2001

Prerequisites:  None

A survey of Astronomy, from Stars to Galaxies to Cosmology and then back to the Solar System for non-science majors.

Astro 6:  Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Last Taught: Fall 2014

Prerequisites:  None

A survey of Astronomy, from Stars to Galaxies to Cosmology.

Astro 11:  Elementary Astronomy Laboratory

Last Taught:  Fall 1996

Prerequisite or Concurrent: ASTRO 1 or 10

Selected experiments to illustrate astronomical principles for non-science majors.

Astro 293: Observational Astronomy Laboratory

Last Taught: Spring 1995

No Longer Taught

Selected experiments in observational astronomy using computers, telescopes, and modern instrumentation.

Astro 414: Stellar Structure and Evolution

Last Taught: Spring 2015

Prerequisites: ASTRO 292, MATH 230, PHYS 212, 213, 214, 237

Theory of Stellar structure and evolution including energy generation and transport and an examination of stellar models.

Last Taught: Spring 2021

Prerequisites: ASTRO 292, PHYS 212, 213, 214

Emission line spectroscopy, the structure and evolution of galaxies, physics of galactic nuclei and quasars, observational cosmology.

Last Taught: Fall 2022

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Preparation

Graduate class of concepts, tools, techniques, and essential background in stellar, Galactic, and extragalactic astronomy and cosmology.

Last Taught: Spring 2009

Prerequisites: Astro 501 and 502

Galaxies, their evolution, and the quest for the cosmological parameters H0, q0, Omega(matter), Omega(lambda).

Astro 505a: Advanced Theory:  The Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebula

Last Taught: Spring 1995

Prerequisites: Astro 501 and 502

Half-semester class on the physics of H II regions, planetary nebulae, and AGN line emission.

Last Taught: Spring 2023

Prerequisites: Astro 501 and 502

The mechanical and thermal structure of stars, element nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution from the ZAMS through post-AGB stages.

Astro 589: 1001 Uses of Planetary Nebulae

Last Taught: Spring 2023

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Preparation

Seminar on using planetary nebulae as tools for a variety of astrophysics problems, in stellar astronomy, extragalactic physics, and cosmology.