The Faculty of Traditional Thai Medicine
Prince of Songkla University
Visitors from Kunming Medical University
Two medical bachelor students from Kunming Medical University, P. R. China, led by Assoc. Prof . Long Rong, Vice Dean of School of Basic Medicine and Ms. Li Juan, Teacher for Student Affairs of School of Basic Medicine, visited the Faculty of Traditional Thai Medicine (FTTM) under the MOU between ou...Read more
Visitors from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (JUST)
On August 8, 2013, the PSU Faculty of Traditional Thai Medicine, Miss Rattanavilai Thawornsuwon , an International Affair Officer and Miss Supannika Jaisaman, Traditional Thai Medicine Doctor, expressed their warmth and hospitality to a group of students and staff from Jiangxi University of... Read more
Lecturers and Students from JXNU visit TTM
TTM received a group of visitors from Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU), P.R. China in January 29, 2013. Two lecturers and ten students visited TTM for half day under the staff and students exchange program between our universities. Our 12 Chinese guests were warmly welcomed at the faculty by Mis...Read more
Visitors from Tinan Bian China Travel Union Company Limited
On March 06, 2012, Dr.Sasitorn Chusri, Assistant Dean for Research and International Affairs and Miss Rattanavilai Thawornsuwon, an International Affair officer at Faculty of Traditional Thai Medicine, gave a warm welcome to 2 representatives from China Travel Union Company Limited from Chin...Read more
Visitors from Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The faculty of Traditional Thai Medicine received a visit of 15 staff members from Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Wimonrat Chongcharean from faculty of Nursing on December 2, 2011. The objectives of their visit were to learn more about ...Read more