Production and Managerial Arts

Production & Managerial Arts Careers

Stage Manager, Director, Arts Educator, Choreographer, Designer, Scenic Artist

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Suggested Course Sequence

⭕️ Industry Certification Opportunity ✅ College Credit Opportunity ✴️ Capstone Opportunity

Level 1 Course

5245 - Foundations of Production Design & Performance - Students are introduced to a variety of programs and occupations in the arts, audio/video technology, and production. Within this context, students will be expected to develop an understanding of the various and multifaceted career opportunities in this cluster and the knowledge, skills, and educational requirements for those opportunities. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS

Level 2 Courses

1373S1 Film Making A - Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos, and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS

5290S1 - Television Production A - Television Production involves students in the study of the history of radio and television and in television program production. The operation of technical equipment and other support activities provides training for students to produce spot announcements, commercials news shows, and a final TV product. Emphasis is on production for the real world and on the building of writing and presentation skills. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS, FCHS

FRCC Acting I - Covers basic acting techniques and approaches including scene study, improvisation, and script analysis. It includes practical application through classroom performance. (5 PSD/3 FRCC credits) This course is aligned with THE 111 and offered at the following schools: PHS

FRCC Theater Production I - Allows students to put into practice theories of theatre production. Participation in set construction, scenic artistry, costuming, lighting, sound, acting, stage managing, and administration is available. (5 PSD/3 FRCC credits) This course is aligned with THE 131 and offered at the following schools: PHS

Level 3 Courses

1373S2 Film Making B - Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS

5290S2 - Television Production B - Television Production involves students in the study of the history of radio and television and in television program production. The operation of technical equipment and other support activities provides training for students to produce spot announcements, commercials news shows, and a final TV product. Emphasis is on production for the real world and on the building of writing and presentation skills. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS, FCHS

5239 - Technical Theater Certification - Students are introduced to a variety of programs and occupations in the arts, audio/video technology, and production. Within this context, students will be expected to develop an understanding of the various and multifaceted career opportunities in this cluster and the knowledge, skills, and educational requirements for those opportunities. (5 Fine Art credits) This course is offered at the following schools: PHS

FRCC Theater Production II - Allows students to put into practice theories of theatre production. Participation in set construction, scenic artistry, costuming, lighting, sound, acting, stage managing, and administration is available. (5 PSD/3 FRCC credits) This course is aligned with THE 132 and offered at the following schools: PHS

Level 4 Courses

✴️ Work-Based Learning: Production and Managerial Arts - Students build on prior knowledge and skills in the program of study to further develop and apply employability and technical skills that prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education. (variable credit) This course is offered at the following schools: FCHS, PHS

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Advisory Committee Members

PSD Design and Multimedia Teachers

Poudre High School

Joel Smith

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