
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of the four aforementioned subjects. In addition to subject-specific learning, STEM aims to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills. This strand is also best known for being the primary choice when one is planning to take college courses dabbling in the technological and medical fields.

STEM: where everything great stems from.

About us Senior High Department ‣ Academic Strands Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

11 - Cobalt

Cobalt: A Catalytic Group of Cooperative Minds

"We do things with Ma'am Dhang!"

11 - Copper

"Copper ka ba?

Kasi I always want to C U."

11 - Zirconium

"Zirconium can be compared to a disorganized zoo, but once the zoo keeper, our adviser comes in, tatahimik ang klase na parang gustong maghimagsik."

12 - Cadmium

"Cadmium alagang Dr. Mariñas, home of the very best class!"


12 - Mercury

"Mercury lang sakalam, element at planeta na nga, drugstore pa! San ka pa?!"

12 - Niobium

"Basta anak ni Marife, you don't have to worreh! We're the one and only 12 - Niobium; from our sweet adviser to our top 1, we're surely more than just pretty faces. We're smart, witty, and filled with will-power for our dreams and aspirations. So we say cheers to the next generation of men and women in STEM!"

Senior High School Academic Strands