Speech Hour for Brainpower

PROJECTS Health & Wellness

Personal Development, English for Academic Writing and Professional Purpose, & Oral Communication in Context

Welcome to the Health & Wellness Output Gallery!

Speech hour for brainpower is a program made to showcase the speeches presented by grade 11 students. In each performance, assigned writers made the script, while speakers presented it. Speeches may either be informative, demonstrative or entertainment depending on the decision of the group. Students put in the maximum effort to produce the best result they can. Thus, students' writing and speaking were put to the test.

"No man not inspired can make a good speech without preparation." - Daniel Webster


Speech Hour for Brain Power

Speech hour for brainpower was made to creatively show people the talents of grade 11 students when it comes to speaking and writing. Each presentation was a display of the effort and skills of the selected students. It is also to uplift the confidence and improve the communication competence. The speeches can benefit the audience by educating them and showing them new routines they could do when it comes to health and wellness amidst the pandemic.


"Freedom of speech should be wide open as long as it doesn't incite violence" - Mike Leach

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"All the most powerful speeches ever made point to a better future" - Patrick Dixon

Canonizado - COL.MOV




Galvez - COL.MOV


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