Home-based Training Program

Projects Home Based Training Program

Physical Education

Welcome to Physical Education 'Home-based Training Program'!

The Home-based Training Program is a great way for beginners to start working out! Training with one’s body weight is an effective and convenient way to enhance and exercise the fitness skills of an individual. Convenience is the main priority as these exercises don’t require any actual gym equipment and can be substituted by different home appliances. This will test not only their physical skill of an individual but also their creativity and resourcefulness.

This training program instills the value of resilience and persistence and that there is a way around everything and anything when you face challenges in your path, strengthening your heart and mind to the hardships that we are facing today and will face in the future. The only bad workout is no workout, so get a move on and start working!

¨Put all excuses aside and remember this: You are capable.¨ – Zig Ziglar


Get a jump on your day!

The only bad workout is no workout, this is the main subject that the poster emphasizes through the color red, it's about drive, resilience, persistence, and resourcefulness to achieve your goal in attaining a better physical and mental well-being. Additionally, it instills a sense of hope in those people who think they can't start exercising due to the lack of equipment and the funds to attain them.


"Freedom of speech should be wide open as long as it doesn't incite violence" - Mike Leach

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Home-Based Exercise Guide

"Perseverance, the secret of all triumphs": this video showcases different ways to reach that goal.

Starting from square one is quite difficult. So, this video was made to help guide you through your path of achieving your fitness goals.


¨Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.¨ – Vince Lombardi