The Website Team

Creating a site to behold,

Introducing the experts and talents that meticulously crafted the website.

About us The Website Team


This is the team responsible for this year's Celebration Of Learning website. Comprised of highly skilled individuals equipped with the necessary knowledge in order to create a functioning website, most of the team hailed from the TLE strands of Computer Programming and CSS.

Under the guidance of Allen Vidas Rosima, the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) subject teacher, they were able to not only create a functioning website, but also design a website that is aesthetically pleasing to look at. Thanks to the skills of several members who are talented in areas such as design and graphics, layouting, and writing one can guarantee that the website felt as if it was a complete package for users' mind and eyes.


The Empowerment Team's primary objective is to showcase the variety of outputs produced during the Celebration of Learning of the School Year 2021-2022. In doing so, they have also displayed, discovered, and demonstrated a plethora of skills and talents in the making of the website: firstly, they have utilized a platform for the betterment of the community, secondly, they have exhibited efficient and effective division of labor and delegation of tasks, thirdly, they have promoted social awareness through the many yet different sustainable development goals (SDG), and lastly, they have done all of this while fostering camaraderie, cooperation, and collaboration.

Project Manager •

Allen Vidas


"Whether you think you can, or you can't – you're right."

— Henry Ford

He has been in the teaching academy for 17 years. This is his 3rd year in the Philippine School Doha Senior High School. He is formerly affiliated as a Master Teacher in the Department of Education. He graduated with his Doctor of Philosophy from STI-West Negros University in the year 2017. He loves outdoor activities particularly trekking, hiking, and fishing. He is a Wood Badge Holder of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and an Expat Scouts Coordinator of Qatar Scouts. He fancies books of adventure such as Iliad, True Martial World, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Odyssey, Daedalus, Greek Gods, and a lot more.

• Project Directors •

Joy Anne


“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

— Pema Chödrön

Driven by the thought of perfection (and caffeine), Joy is passionate about creating the best possible outcomes. Not only is she experienced in leading a group, but she is also adept in both technology and arts. By the way, she's also more of a tea girl, just like her predecessor!

John Benedict


“Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.”

— Criss Jami

Be it why he's still skinny no matter how much he eats, or why death hasn't knocked on his doorstep, he seeks to understand the totality of life and everything it has to offer. He is also a firm believer in the fact that life is filled with balance: good and bad, blue and red, happiness and sadness. Why look up at the sky when I can look at someone beside me, right? I mean, sure the moon looks spectacular and sure the stars look dazzling but tonight, the only star I want to look at is you.

Ivanna Judea MADRIAGA

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

An aspiring software analyst or software developer. With galaxies in her eyes and a universe in her mind, she is the type of person to fall in love with the moonlight, the shimmer on the water, and everything that is beautifully unreachable. Calm in the storm, anxious in the quiet; she believes that though it might take a while to get to shore, fighting for sun, weighed down by storms, there is still space for Light to pour through in a thousand, unexpected ways.

Fatima Alene NACARIO

“Your comrades are there to make up for what you cannot do and to prevent you from ignoring things that you actually might have been able to do.”

Itachi Uchiha

She currently has four families, one from her blood-related main family, her girlfriends, her tropa, and her best friend's family. Although she has a lot of them, she loves them equally and will forever be grateful in having them in her life.

Peter Yeshua SOTOMANGO

"Live your life by taking risks and having no regrets."

Mixing his curiosity and passion for computers, he strives to make high-quality websites and programs for the public. Currently, an aspiring software developer who plans to take Computer Science at the University of Washington based in Seattle, Washington.

• Project Designers

Andrea Nikole ADRIANO

"'Happiness is not out there, it's in you.''

— Louise Armstrong

She is a happy-go-lucky and easy-going individual. As she ventures the world, she seeks for happiness in everything that she do. She aspires to be someone who could greatly contribute to her community. She is a strong advocate of mental health and wishes to break the stigma within it. She finds joy in music, kpop, and collecting. Someday, she wishes to share her talents and skills for the common good.

Hildegard Anne ALIMURONG

"Life is a game in which happiness is the goal."

Frederick Lenz

A wild soul who seeks to find the thrills and, at the same time, the serenities offered by life. A fellow who is not afraid to be themselves. An individual who will keep going until she gets what she wants, for she never believed that the sky is the limit; we can go even further than that.

Albert Christian ANGELES

"People are not lazy, they simply have impotent goals. That is, goals that do not inspire them."

Anthony Robbins

He is lazy but once motivated he could do it fast. Well, giving him motivation is harder than climbing Mount Everest. Is giving him motivation worth it? You be the judge.

Mark Kevin

"People who love to eat are always the best people."

Julia Child

An avid gamer and a music and food enthusiast. If he isn't found in the air flying his virtual fighter jet over Mach 1 or pulling over 14 G's, he's down on the ground either listening to his favorite playlist or munching on his favorite snack. Maybe both? A happy-go-lucky guy who knows when to get serious when necessary. Mk aspires to become a specialist in the technology industry as an I.T., Computer Programmer, or as Computer Engineer. He may seem relaxed at all times but he strives and works his best to achieve his dreams. He may seem unapproachable at times but maybe he's just hungry, he's easily approachable and kind.

Kevin Christian COQUILLA

"Sometimes our actions are much more meaningful than words. A hug can sometimes express more than our words will ever express."

Catherine Pulsifier

Although he is small, he has a big heart when it comes to being respectful, kind-hearted, and generous to others. Creative thinking is something he enjoys as he is very creative. His career in architecture is very important to him, and he aspires to pursue it. Despite his quietness and introversion, you will never suspect that he has an active mind.

Fronn Vinz Guilmar


"Life is a mountain. your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top."

Maxime Legacé

He is a person that is outgoing and friendly. He is a person who takes his time when doing tasks but when need be he will speed up the process and if you need any help you can always reach out to him.

Marianne Angeline


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
Bernard M. Baruch

She's an amazing woman who is taller than most of her glucose guardians. Currently deciding if she should go to college when she already has many people who can spend for her. Dear glucose guardians, she wants a new PC. Thanks.

A very blunt human being; straightforward. With that, she says things that hurt people so badly. In the end, she says sorry whenever she feels something is wrong but when she's sure that she said the right thing, she doesn't care anymore. DMs open for Valo <3

Alexander Gabriel


"Never wait for someone to help you learn to pull yourself up to success."

Although he may not look like it, he likes to eat a lot. He is a good friend but also a bad enemy to have. He may look mean on the outside, but he is actually friendly. He is funny and really smart when it comes to jokes; you might even be caught off guard!

Hannah Mae


"Do or do not. There is no try."

Yoda, Star Wars

After attending a one-time event, Hannah found her amusement for the behind-the-scenes and production following the success of an event. She finds it astounding how a production team can make things work behind a successful exhibition, which led her to join the webpage design team, the people behind the progress for the Celebration of Learning's webpage. Hannah also loves creating layouts and bringing out her creativity on designs, especially on big projects.

Johanne Christiana


"Pray, Adapt, Improvise, then Overcome."

Starting each day with a prayer, doing her best with the thought, "Do your best, God will do the rest." She aspires to become a part of the IT field, specifically, Cybersecurity. She hopes to keep learning and growing as an individual so that she could set a good example to others.

Mary Abigail


“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”

Kurt Vonnegut

As a passionate artist with an affinity for aesthetics, Abby does many of her tasks with the goal of pure creative expression. She strives to express her soul through everything she does and creates. A little tired most of the time, yes, but still tries her absolute best to push through. Coffee runs through her blood, but a little cup of tea once in a while never hurts, right?

Abram Vinzell


"Behind every smile that I show, lies a pain that one can never know"

He is a talented and gifted person, even though he may not look like it. He smiles genuinely as if all his worries were washed away but even so, he's been through thick and thin, he's still trying to keep himself together in place and not fall apart no matter what happens. He believes that behind each and every smile lies behind a past of what they have been through, be it dark or light. For him, however, despite all the darkness and struggles that he's going through, he still strives and perseveres to become one with the light, socialize, and become a good person.

Mary Hannah Caryl


"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late."

William Shakespeare.

She is a hobbyist with a far-reaching ambition. She is passionate about the things and activities that she does. Her personal favorites include drawing, painting, and playing musical instruments she enjoys. Her passion for music makes her feel calm while releasing the stress of the day, therefore music is the air that she breathes.



"At the end of the day, gabi na"


He is a lively and friendly person who is not afraid to make the smallest gesture to get close to as many people as he can. Testing the limits of creativity whilst putting his own twist. His sociability allows him to gain connections and help out people in need.

Gavin Mysjah VILLEGAS

"Every artist was an amateur at one point."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just a guy trying to seek some improvement. With a thing for drawing, a creative mind, and a penchant for creating, he's looking for ways to improve his skill set. Sure he's not that much of a quick learner and he gets a burnout from time to time, but when he's motivated, he'll get the job done. That is something he can be sure of.

Layout Designers •

Social Media Managers

Ian Patrick

"When you are at home, even if the chicken is a little burnt, what's the big deal? Relax."

Jacques Pepin

A fun-loving person that plays video games, a lot. When he isn't shooting bad guys or driving cars, Ian spends his time building plastic models and working with small electronics. He aspires to work in the electronics industry someday, hoping that he can make a living out of doing what he loves. Whether it is food or the next level, Ian will always be hungry for more.



"Crying does not indicate that you are weak. since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive"

Charlotte Bronte

As she centers on improvement, she is in constant search of change. Into the forest, she goes to lose her mind yet find her soul.