Tutor Policy Violations

America Reads & Counts Tutor Expectations

      1. All tutors should arrive for scheduled sessions on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to tutor.
      2. While working with students, tutors should not be using personal electronic devices, fraternizing with other tutors, or distracting students.
      3. Tutor's transportation to and from your site should not interfere with their tutoring schedule; they should not be leaving early unless given permission by you.

We hold our tutors to a high standard, and so should you. We are happy to report that a large majority of our tutors have lived up to the high standards we have set for them. Nevertheless, if your tutor is not meeting expectations, please complete the Policy Violation Form below.​

We use this form to track chronic tardiness and absences, lack of cooperation, and unprofessional behavior across multiple sites.

If you have an urgent concern or if you feel a tutor's behavior is not improving, please contact the America Reads*Counts Program Coordinator.