Request Tutors

We are excited you are interested in hosting tutors at your site. Depending on our current commitments and scheduling constraints, we may or may not be able to add new sites for a given academic year. Below is a summary of our program rules and requirements.​

As an America Reads & Counts program partner you agree to:

      • Introduce the tutor to the students and explain his/her role in a way that is positive for the students who will be working with him/her.
      • Establish communication preferences (email or phone) and share any relevant procedures and policies.
      • Assign tutors to either an individual student or small group of students, but they should NOT be working with the entire class.
      • Provide clear instructions as to what the tutor should be doing with the student(s) during the tutoring sessions.
      • Designate the area where you would like the tutor to work with students. Please note, all tutors must operate under the supervision of a licensed individual.
      • Communicate the site schedule with tutors, especially early dismissals and student holidays, as well as testing days and field trips that will prevent a tutor from working.
      • Maintain a sign-in/sign-out book or timesheet that is sent to our office weekly.

To further discuss hosting our tutors at your site, please contact our office.