Loburn School
Te Kura Aromauka
Growing confident, responsible and engaged learners
Ka Aro Mauka, he taero, he wero. Engari, Ka wherea!
We will face many obstacles and challenges in life, but they can be overcome!
Kia ora, and welcome to 2025.
I hope everyone is excited about the start of the school year. A special welcome to those students, families and staff who are joining our school for the first time.
Welcome to Loburn School Te Kura Aromauka
Kia ora and welcome to Loburn School. Our new vision, Growing confident, responsible and engaged learners, coupled with our focus on the values of Whakaute (Respect), Manaakitanga (Service) and Mahitahi (Participation) ensures that our students are challenged and encouraged to be the best they can be.
If you are new to our school, we extend a warm welcome to your child, family / whanau to our school community. We invite you to browse through our webpages to get an idea of the curriculum programmes we offer and the aspects of learning we value.
Stay in touch with us by reading our school newsletters. We invite you to contact the school if you wish to visit, or to find out more. To contact the principal, Stuart Priddy, you can email him on principal@loburn.school.nz, phone 027 354 1496 or 03 312 8828.
The school office can be contacted by email or by phone: 03 312 8828
We are very proud to be a Green- Gold Enviroschool. Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way.
Term and holiday dates 2025
Term 1 - 28 January to 11 April
Tuesday 28 Jan - Goal setting / interviews (school officially starts)
Thursday 6 Feb - Waitangi Day
Friday 7 Feb - ToD
Term 2 - 28 April to 27 June
Friday 30 May Teacher Only Day
Monday 2 June - Kings Birthday
Friday 20 June - Matariki
Term 3 - 14 July to 19 September
Friday 22 August Teacher Only Day
Term 4 - 6 October to 15 December
Monday 27 October - Labour Day
Thursday 13 November - Teacher Only Day
Friday 14 November - Show Day