Conservation and Sustainability

Engineering and Conservation - how humans have engineered our way out of some serious problems with our natural resources (in this case, water) and what are some problems we still need to work on.

In partnership with California Fish and Wildlife, you will raise trout in the classroom for release in nearby Lake Miramar

Aquaponics is one possible solution to human problems of food instability, drought, agricultural pollution and climate change. 

It is the combination of aquaculture (the farming of fish) and hydroponics (soil-less farming) to grow both vegetables and fish for human consumption while using 90% less water than traditional farming methods.

Aquaponics is one possible solution to human problems of food instability, drought, agricultural pollution and climate change. 

Wolves: How One Species Changed an Entire Ecosystem

Whales: Can Whales Reduce Climate Change?

Citizen Science

You may wish to pursue a citizen Science project. Here are two options. If you have another option you would like to do, let me know about it.

Choose either Wildwatch Kenya or Wildwatch Burrowing Owls.

Visit their website and answer the questions:

Briefly describe how the project actually works.

Saving Species, Wildlife Trafficking.pdf

Hardshell Labs and Tortoise Conservation