23-24 August Agendas


FRIDAY 09/01/23 Goal:

Write goals for next week in project log.

Receive kits for Spike Prime bots and begin assembly if there is time.

Next week’s goals (to be written on project log):

Assembles Spike Prime bot / base build. Individual creates, names, downloads, plays 1 program of choice with robot moving, sensors if possible. Complete one “SustainabilityTopic Research Exploration”

THURSDAY 8/31/23 Goal:

Learn how to correctly complete a project log and where to find project log resources.

Time Management and Project Logs - slides that teach how to do project logs 

WEDNESDAY8/30/23 Goal:

 Sustainability Brainstorm  sheet 

Independently braisntorm ideas for sustainability project.

Meet with team and share ideas.

TUESDAY 8/29/23 Goal:

You and your partner will continue building the Challenge Board models.

MONDAY 8/28/23 Goal:

You and your partner will begin building the Challenge Board models.

FRIDAY 8/25/23 Goal:

Team Activity. Work together with a new partner and meet your team.

THURSDAY 8/24/23 Goal: Identify and describe unsustainable practices. Decide who is responsible for solving these problems and who will create obstacles to solving them.

1.2 STEM Robotics and Sustainability 

WEDNESDAY 8/23/23 Goal: Articulate an understanding of SUSTAINABILITY, describe examples of practices that are not sustainable, identify who is responsible for solving sustainability problems.

1.1 STEM Robotics and Sustainability  ( Finish from yesterday)

TUESDAY 8/22/23 Goal: Articulate an understanding of SUSTAINABILITY, describe examples of practices that are not sustainable, identify who is responsible for solving sustainability problems.

1.1 STEM Robotics and Sustainability 

MONDAY 8/21/23 Goal: Receive partner assignment and work with your new partner to achieve success at a complex task. In the process, you will practice communicating with your partner and get to know them.

Friday 8/18/23

Parent letters due

Riddle Activity

Complete partner cards

Thursday 8/17/23

Finish comfort zone survey analysis. - determined scores for the four types and then circled highest score(s) and then put stars next to the those for which the descriptions students felt did actually match them.

Compass name game

Tuesday 8/16

Review class expectations on the back of the parent letter.

Complete the first part of the Comfort Zone Survey

Monday 8/15/23

Introduce class.

Create seating charts.

Distribute parent letters - due Friday