
Scratch! Programming

You will be learning programming using Scratch!

Scratch allows you to create some really fun things. You can use photos (like I did). or you can draw your own images to make animations with motion, sound, music and even interaction. 

If you can make your animations interactive, you can even create games.

Shorti Queen of the Desert for

Scratch Surprise - This introduces Scratch and provides an opportunity to just get in the Scratch environment and mess around a bit to get familiar with it.

Scratch Surprise

Scratch - Studio - this explains how to create "studios" and organize your work. You also need to be able to "share" your work to certain studios so that I can see it.

Scratch - Studio

Scratch 10-blocks - Now that you have gotten acquainted with Scratch, the 10 - block assignment introduces to some of the most commonly used programming blocks.

Scratch 10 Blocks

Scratch - DeBug It! - This is an activity in which you look at various projects, find errors and fix them. 

The Google Quiz referenced in this assignment is not accessible here, but you do not need it in order to explore the projects and figure out how to fix them.

Scratch - Debug It!

Debug Starting Scene - This explains how to troubleshoot common errors, and get your start scene set up so that your sprites don't start in weird, random places or so that your sound or motion settings are all at the correct level and location every time you play your program.

To actually do this "assignment" you need access to the Google Form quiz. If you do not have access tot his quiz, you can still go into the project and see if you can debug it.

Scratch - Debug Starting Scene

Build-a-Band - This introduces some commands that allow you to play music. It also uses some loops and background changes as well as some interactive options.

Build a Band

Draw, Orange Square, Purple Circle - This introduces some drawing tools that you can use to customize your sprites and scenes.

Scratch - Draw, Orange Square Purple Circle

Here is a way to remove backgrounds from images. It is a free online app. IMHO it is a lot easier than using Instant Alpha on pages or keynote and the images are instantly ready to upload to Scratch.