Instructions for Hosts (Fall 2023)

Host duties:

Postdoc duties

At least 2 weeks prior to the talk: 

If the following information has not already been provided, ask for

Note: You do not need to ask for the title and abstract, since this information has been already received by Amanda from IAS. That information can be found on the IAS colloquium page:

Finally, arrange to meet the speaker at your office or elsewhere on Wednesday morning so you can give them the key and show them to the visitor's office. IMPORTANT: copy Mami Akiyama ( on this email and ask the speaker to reply all to keep everyone in the loop

Information that the speaker might request:

Note: The Forrestal Route stops at Jadwin Hall and the Princeton Station.

Once you have the speaker's schedule, you should:

Note: Sometimes due to the speaker's travel restrictions, the IAS and Peyton dinners will combined into a single dinner. In that case, coordinate with the IAS host to decide on a place and time for dinner. 

Note: The schedule on Wednesday includes Wunch, which is a reserved slot for the speaker to have lunch with the graduate students between 12:00 and 13:00. Please make sure not to schedule other activities for the speaker during this time.  If the speaker is visiting on a day other than Wednesday, contact the Wunch organizers (Jasmine Parsons and Jared Siegel) to see if the students would like to reschedule the lunch. 

Friday before the talk: 

Note: The cost of dinner with the speaker will be covered by the department, but is limited to eight people (including the speaker).



Note: During the Fall, reimbursement is processed from the IAS, not the Princeton Astro Department.


After the departure of the speaker: Return the key to  Mami (114 Peyton; or Gregory Motta (101 Peyton;

Faculty duties:

The week before the talk: 

Coordinate with the postdoc host regarding responsibilities for hosting.

Monday before the talk: 

Email the department to solicit people to attend dinner. Dinner will be covered by the department, but is limited to 8 people total. We would like to encourage participation in the dinners from all demographics.


By about 12 pm, make reservations for dinner at 6:30 pm. Dinner should not exceed $65/pp, or a total of $520, if 8 people joined dinner (including the speaker). Pay the bill with your Princeton Travel and Expense card. Please be sure to keep the total cost under $520.    At the restaurant, the astro faculty host should pay for the Wednesday dinner, even if there is a mix participants from two institutions; the IAS will pay for Tuesday's dinner.

Restaurant suggestions include (but need not be limited to):

Restaurant/bar options:

Reimbursement: Submit an expense report through the Concur system, allocating the expense to Department 23100, Fund E9999, Program AC005 (not AC111 as before July!). You will need to submit the receipt. If you have any questions regarding reimbursement, please contact Mami Akiyama (