November 23, 2021

Speaker: Alexandra Amon (in-person)

Contact Information:

Title: Cosmology from weak lensing - is lensing low?

Abstract: I will present the cosmological weak lensing results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) using its first three years of data, taken on the 4m Blanco telescope at CTIO. This analysis spans the full DES footprint, more than 4000 sq. deg. of sky, with the final lensing catalogue containing more than 100 million galaxies in riz photometric bands, constituting the most powerful weak lensing dataset to date. The comparison of DES cosmological constraints from the low-redshift Universe to those from the Cosmic Microwave Background provides an unprecedented test of the standard cosmological model, across cosmic time. I will mention the main challenges that our analysis is susceptible to, and summarise the approach taken to account for these, in order to deliver robust cosmological constraints. Finally, I’ll summarise new developments necessary to exploit the data from future lensing surveys, such as DES Legacy and Rubin Observatory.

Visitor's room: 125

Visit Schedule:

Owing to Alex's extended visit, we are not arranging one-on-one meetings for a specific day. Please reach out to her directly or stop by Room 125!

Dinner Sign-up (for Friday 11/19):

  1. Speaker: Alex Amon

  2. Faculty host: Michael Strauss

  3. Postdoc host: Allison Strom

  4. Roohi Dalal

  5. Rodrigo Cordova

  6. Nora Linzer

  7. Meng Gu

  8. Roberto Tejada Arevalo

PLEASE NO MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE (it is more difficult to properly interact with the speaker with larger groups). STUDENTS HAVE PRIORITY.