October 31, 2023

Speaker: Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University)

Contact Information: nikhil.padmanabhan@yale.edu

Title: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with Galaxy Surveys: Present State and Some Future Prospects 

Abstract: I will weave three separate threads. The first will be to describe recent and ongoing results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey. I will present the BAO results from the early DESI data, and some of the preparatory work for the Year 1 data. I will then present a new approach to reconstruction based on optimal transport, highlighting some recent results and ideas for future applications. I will end by discussing merging perturbative reconstruction ideas with convolutional neural networks, and a possible new application to primordial non-gaussianity.

Visitor's room: 103A 

Visit Schedule:

Wednesday (November 1, 2023):

Dinner Sign-up - add your name here:

Wednesday (November 1, 2023) [Mezzaluna]


PLEASE NO MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE (it is more difficult to properly interact with the speaker in larger groups).