April 23, 2024

Speaker: Tim Bedding (University of Sydney)

Contact Information: tim.bedding@sydney.edu.au

Title:  A Golden Age of Asteroseismology with Kepler and TESS

Abstract: Asteroseismology uses the natural oscillation modes of stars to study their interiors. The wonderfully precise measurements by NASA's Kepler and TESS missions are ideal data sources for the technique. These space telescopes have been monitoring the brightness of hundreds of thousands of stars, with the main goal of discovering extra-solar planets as they transit their parent stars.  At the same time, observations of stellar oscillations have led to a revolution in asteroseismology. I will discuss some of the key results, including the use of gravity modes to probe the cores of red giant stars, the characterization of stars found to host exoplanets, and the measurement of ages for young stellar associations.

Visitor's room: 127

Visit Schedule:

Tuesday (April 23, 2024):

Thursday (April 25, 2024):

Dinner Sign-up - add your name here:

Tuesday (April 23, 2024)


PLEASE NO MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE (it is more difficult to properly interact with the speaker in larger groups).