PGP Google Group

A PrettyGoodPhysics Google Group is used to allow folks to upload and share files and also to grant access to private files.  All postings to the PrettyGoodPhysics group can be viewed at the link below.  Only members of the site are able to see postings, while logged into the google account they signed up with. 

While Logged into the google account you would like to use, please request to join the PGP google group at!forum/thegroup 

In your request, be sure to include 

Be prepared for a follow up e-mail at your school address, where more information will be requested for proof of being  a teacher.

Please be patient.    This site is run by a small number of volunteers.

Update 8/19/2023: e-mails to have stopped working.  As a work around, if you would like to receive physics teaching related e-mails from prettygoodphysics, we have set up a second google group that you may choose to join here:

To be clear, you do not need to join the Discussion group, but you must be a member of  the first google group above.   You do not need a google account to join the Discussion Group, but you do need a google account to join the file sharing group (TheGroup).

Some Challenges:

As we start out on this new website, most folks appear able to join the group and access materials.  Some face challenges due to one of the following issues:

These problems, while frustrating, have solutions. 

Issue 1 can be resolved by linking your non-gmail account to google.

Issue 2 can be resolved by emailing us with the address from which you received this invitation & including a gmail address to join the group.

Issue 3 can be resolved by using Firefox, Opera, or Chrome browsers.

Issue 4 can be resolved by creating different browser user accounts as shown below.

     For Chrome:

     For FireFox:

     For Opera:

     For Safari, Edge, & Explorer - simply avoid these browsers.