Electric Charge & Force APP1


If you would like to download a file and make changes, select the file, the choose [make a copy] for yourself, and edit the file to suit your needs.

Currently Empty. If you have something to share, this would be a great space for it.


If you would like to download a file and make changes, select the file, the choose [make a copy] for yourself, and edit the file to suit your needs.

Currently Empty. If you have something to share, this would be a great space for it.


If you would like to download a file and make changes, select the file, the choose [make a copy] for yourself, and edit the file to suit your needs.

AP1 - Electric Charge and Force - Public

To View the Secure Files linked below:

What Works:

  • You MUST be signed in to the PrettyGoodPhysics Google Group (PGP GG). This is how we ensure students do not see assignments, and solutions.

  • To join the PGP GG, please go to the PGP GG page linked on the toolbar, and join the group.

What Does NOT Work:

  • Clicking on the link to [Request Access] the file or folder. Those requests are ignored.

What Everyone Has & Must Continue to Agree to:

  • Keep these files away from any student accessible website. Posting them to student accessible sites:

    • violates the College Board copyright agreement

    • makes all of the other AP Physics teachers in the world dislike you. Really. Not joking.

Editing Files:

If you would like to download a file and make changes, select the file, the choose [make a copy] for yourself, and edit the file to suit your needs.

AP 1 - Electric Charge and Force - Secure