

  • Welcome- Brief statements on accessing materials, becoming a member, and sharing materials.

  • Troubleshooting - This section shares some solutions to problems folks have with login, and access issues.

  • Finding Content- This section shares a few ways to find content on this site.

  • Video Summary- A video on updates and features of this website.

Welcome to PrettyGoodPhysics.

  • Updates: This site will get cleaned up as we go. We are splitting time up between creating these pages, adding members, and updating the search function.

  • Get Stuff: You do not need to be a member to download labs and activities. If you are looking around for some labs to use or to tweak, check the category links. Items have been put here for physics teachers, by physics teachers, and range from first-year high school physics to AP material.

  • To Become a Member: You do need to be a member to access test items or to upload a file. Please go to the PrettyGoodPhysics Google Group page to join.

  • Share Stuff: You do need to be a member to upload a file. If you have something, use this form to upload and SHARE IT!


As we start out on this new website, most folks appear able to join the group and access materials. Some face challenges due to one of the following issues:

  1. attempting to use a non-google email to join google groups.

  2. signed up w school account & their school (not all do) blocks membership to google groups

  3. safari & microsoft browsers are trouble

  4. user accounts - being signed in to different accounts on different tabs. Most browsers do not like users signing in as different users in different tabs within the same browser window / account. example: if I am signed in as plulai at on a work email account in one tab, then try to access PGP google group in another tab using my account... things don't work very well. the browser appears to have issues figuring out which user is trying to gain access to the google group.

These problems, while frustrating, have solutions.

Issue 1 can be resolved by linking your non-gmail account to google.

Issue 2 can be resolved by emailing us with the address from which you received this invitation & including a gmail address to join the group.

Issue 3 can be resolved by using Firefox, Opera, or Chrome browsers.

Issue 4 can be resolved by creating different browser user accounts as shown below.

For Chrome:

For FireFox:

For Opera:

For Safari, Edge, & Explorer - simply avoid these browsers.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a good one.


Finding Content

Method 1:

  1. Let this page fully load.

  2. Allow some time for the site to index and prepare all files on PGP.

  3. Use the search function of your browser (ctrl + F) and enter your search term.

Method 2:

  1. Click on the course shown on the menu to the left.

  2. Search within the relevant page.

  3. Click on the desired course. Below you will find all uploaded public files and links, so it may take to 30 seconds to completely load.

Most Recent - All - Public
Public By Tag

Video Summary:

  • File Details - 0:50

  • Navigating the site- 1:26 & 2:51

  • Searching for content- 4:17

  • Secure vs Public- 1:51 & 4:51

  • Sharing Files, Links, & Video Links- 5:49

  • Modifying Existing Files- 7:36