IPC (PAT Leadership Meeting)

May 23, 2022

Slides that were discussed

Notes captured:

What do you appreciate the most about this instructional framework draft?

    • A lot things make sense

    • cognitive load resting on the student as much as possible

    • and inclusion of inquiry-based instruction

    • educators administering classroom-level interim assessments

    • checking for understanding using a range of assessments (formative included)

    • appreciate the focus on mindset and practices (over a specific curriculum or text)

What is the one thing that you’d suggest revisiting?

    • If we have smaller class sizes and more staff then we might have a better opportunity of making this come to life,

    • what if a student is needing more explicit intensive instruction - where does this fall in this framework?

    • curious level about district-level benchmarking assessments (4-6 weeks) - curriculum-based

    • some schools have done a lot of work around data-informed instruction (Leveraged Leadership) - taking a standard and dissecting it piece-by-piece - developing interim assessments within a school based on standards. What does a district-level benchmark provide that an interim assessment does not? - want to revisit this conversation in IPC once we have the adopted materials in place

Calibrate on implementation planning

    • Connecting the framework to the DuFour questions

    • Also cross-reference the instructional coaching (Elena Aguilar - art of coaching - and Jim Knight - inquiry-based)

    • Keep the form open longer for teachers to be able to provide input

    • Integrate content areas together with time to process in school buildings and curriculum mapping