
We are very proud of our school and are always happy to show prospective parents and children around.  If you would like to visit the school please contact the school office, who will organise a convenient time for a member of our Senior Leadership Team to give you a tour.

If you wish your child to join Portfield Primary Academy you should apply to:

Admissions South

Bridge House,

Floor 3,

Barrington Road,


West Sussex,

BN12 4FP

Tel: 03330 142903


A member of the Admissions Team will consult with the Headteacher and Governors before making a decision regarding the application.

Admission Arrangements for September 2023/2024

In common with other local primary schools, all children may be admitted at the beginning of the school year in which they will be five years of age. We consider each child as an individual and work with you and the early years setting your child attends in order to ensure the smoothest transfer possible.

Published Admission Number (PAN)

Portfield Primary Academy admits 45 pupils into EYFS. If there are fewer applicants than places available all applicants will be admitted. Children are admitted to the EYFS cohort in the school year in which they have their fifth birthday.  

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)


Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan that names the academy will be admitted. As a result of this, the PAN will be reduced accordingly.

Early Years Admissions

Our admissions for Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception year) are still coordinated by West Sussex County Council Admissions Team.

Contact details are available by accessing the West Sussex County Council website.

Admissions Criteria

Our admissions criteria are the same as all West Sussex schools. Preference for the Early Years in-take and, in cases of oversubscription, other year groups for this year is given in this order:

1.     Children who need a place for compelling and exceptional social, psychological or medical grounds (SEND - Education Health Care Plan - EHCP)

2.     Looked after children (children in public care) and previously looked after children

3. Children who live in catchment with siblings at the school who will be there when they start

4.     Children who live out of catchment with siblings at the school who will be there when they start

5.     Children who live in the catchment

6. Children who live out of catchment

In Year Admissions

Applications for any in-year admissions should be made directly to the West Sussex.

Completed application forms should be returned directly to West Sussex Admissions Team South, this can be done via email or by post. Details above.

Application outcomes will be confirmed in writing no later than 15 school days from receipt of application.

If the number of applications for the school, for any year group, is more than the number of places available, the oversubscription criteria (as per our Admissions Policy) will be applied.  The same oversubscription criteria will apply before a place is offered from the Waiting List. 

In the event that your application is unsuccessful and you would like to pursue an appeal, please follow guidance below.

Class sizes are set at a maximum of 30 and, because of the high demand for school places, for all in-year admissions we may ask to see proof of residence. This can take the form of tenancy agreements or utility bills in the name of anyone with legal parental responsibility for the child/children. 


If you are not offered a place and wish to appeal against this decision, please complete the online appeal form by visiting 

If you do not have access to the internet, you can call the Contact Centre on 0845 075 1007 and you will be sent a form to enable you to appeal.

Appeals Timetable

Your appeal will be heard at what is called a Hearing, within a time scale of 40 school days from 14th May 2024. It is likely to be heard at the end of June 2024.

All other appeals known as ‘in-year’ admissions and those for EYFS submitted after 14th May 2024 will be heard within 30 school working days of submitting the request.

Your appeal request should state your reasons for your request and any additional information/ documentation/ appendices should be submitted five days before the Hearing to allow time for it to be copied and distributed to all the interested parties. 

At least 10 working days before your appeal, unless you choose to waive this right, you will be sent detailed information regarding the process and also the date and names of the independent panel members who will hear the appeal.

The school is unable to guarantee that any original work/evidence/folders, submitted as part of the appeal, will be returned. Appellants may wish to submit copies in advance and then take important original documents verifying evidence to the appeal. 

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office -