COVID Catch Up Plan

In August 2020, the Government announced additional funding for schools to deliver Catch-Up funding following the COVID 19 lockdown measures.  This amounted to £80 per pupil. The amount allocated to Portfield Primary Academy based on eligible pupils is £16,640 based on 208 pupils.

The Education Endowment Fund (EEF) has provided early research evidence around projections for the impact of school closures during lockdown, predominantly on the impact for disadvantaged pupils. The school’s strategic response to devising and implementing the Catch- Up programme fully takes these findings into account. 

In summary, the EEF projections for the impact of widespread school closures identify

Our COVID Catch-Up Plan details the measures we are implementing to ensure that those children that were disadvantaged by COVID-related school closures, close the attainment gap to their more advantaged peers. Please see the plan attached to the left-hand side of the page.