Idealistic World

The theme for my art exhibition is the idealistic world. For my theme the inspiration of my whole art scheme came from the brainstorming idea of the idealistic world we want to live in but are constantly being blocked by the nature of our actions.

Marlene Nguyen

“Out of sight, In mind”

Medium/Media: I used a pencil to do the outline sketch and water colors to define the piece. 28.5 x 35.4 cm


Artist Statement: When starting this piece I brainstormed a lot of sketches to make it represent the ideas that I believed in. My idea for this piece was to make it show the hypocrisy of our world and how people of our past who were seen as gods were truly the villians in the story.

“Play Time”

Medium /Media: acrylic paint and a heavy substance inorder to give the paint some sustainable weight and texture,

Measurements: 30 x 41 cm

Artist Statement: This piece was to show the way we (the people) always try to overlook the authority of the government’s power and how it really blinds us from reality, because in our minds we only ever truly want to hear one side.

“Just Perfect”

Medium /Media - Pastel color pencils, pastel chalk, clear tape, and drawing paper

Measurements: 45 x 50 cm

Artist Statement- This piece was used to illustrate the importance of flaws. No matter how idealistic we want something to be, it can only be so close. The unclosed circle symbolizes how we try and perfect things but in the end it’s going to be like every other trial where we never fully reach that full circle.

“Shooting Stars Don’t Fly”

Medium /Media - Wood, acrylic paint, oil paint, hot glue, air dry clay, and tinfoil

Measurements:43.5 x 18 cm

Artist Statement - Creating this piece was by far my favorite, this was my first time working with clay and although I stumbled a lot during this process it was satisfying to see my final result. This represents how we as people wish upon shooting stars but the universe never always goes our way, which as a result represents the aftermath of where the star goes when our wish isn’t answered.

“Saving Grace”

Medium /Media -Acrylic paint .

Measurements: 30cm x 40.5cm

Artist Statement: This piece shows how in a dark place there’ll be a hope when you need it most. The white dove in this painting represents hope and the white swirls circling the canvas represents blood from the dark moments and that it’ll be saved soon.

Curatorial Rational

The theme for my art exhibition is the idealistic world. For my theme the inspiration of my whole art scheme came from the brainstorming idea of the idealistic world we want to live in but are constantly being blocked by the nature of our actions. Each piece I wanted to show a wide range of media to show the extent of my ability in new and commonly used media that I’ve used over the years. This resulted in the artworks being uniquely different from one another but still being connected through color scheme and theme. I stumbled alot and made plenty of mistakes over the courses of the works but the worst problem I’ve encountered was during the clay sculpture, I was very inexperienced using this media so I went off of my zero experience and I was working on it for a solid 1 ½ weeks since I dropped it on the table while trying to work on the bottom side so I wasted a lot of time during that, but it gave me plenty of reasons to watch out for certain signs. In my opinion my theme was more of a deep message towards our society that I wanted people to acknowledge, to look deeper within one’s self and try to break from that norm of following a herd, since that’s our habit as humans whether it’s right or wrong. I also had a very tough time finding a good color scheme for the pieces to go off of because I’m also not very good at color theory but I’m really fond of bold colors and I knew I wanted a darker tones for the pieces since it’ll really give the feelings I’m trying to convey through the art to the viewer. Moreover, My pieces are meant for the viewer to really just think about society as a whole and kind of just ponder about what they believe in, whether what my pieces connect to the reality of the world, maybe even question if they want to change it or go against the societal norm. This is because each piece represents a problem/points out the obvious in our civilization and they work together to create a dystopia for many and there's nothing that stops this.