Architectural Art

Artist Statement

Christian Ceja

Building Up

Medium: Pencil and


Artist Statement: This work shows the progress of building a modern house in modern time in an Urban area. From the starting framework to finished house and everywhere in between there is an urban feel to this house.

Between the Walls

Medium: Paper Engineering


Colored pencil

Colored Construction paper

Size: 32cm x 25cm x 25cm

Artist Statement: The idea of this art is so the view is able to see how a floor plan is the base of a house. This allows for a clear view of the “skeleton” of the house. There is the skeleton portion but when you flip the page over you can see the finished model of the house and that is what I want it to show. That the finished model is placed over the initial framework of the house.

Building Tips

Medium: Q-Tips/ cake pop sticks

Hot glue

Size: 42cm x 25.5 cm x 30 cm

Artist Statement: This is a small scale model of the framework of a building. This is a building that belongs in a more urban area, like a city. In order to confine space the structure is built up rather than wide. This means that the framework is more important because this is the base to a strong and sturdy building. The skeleton of this structure is what holds all of it together.

Lunch Time

Material: paper


Size: 45.5cm x 23cm

This art is supposed to give an idea on the hard work that is put into these buildings. There is only room to build up in the city and this drawing also gives us the idea on how high up they are and how normal it is for the workers to be working at that height. Not only this you can see the building below that are giving more to show how high the workers are in the air.


Medium: Q-Tips/ cake pop sticks

Hot glue

popsicle sticks


Artist Statement: This piece is suppose to show after the construction in these buildings it doesn't mean they are completely done and will need more work in the future. I wanted to give a 2D image 3D aspects and this is where the scaffolding for this piece came in. Scaffolding usually shows that a building is being worked on and this shows that the building need to be taken care of even after the completion of its construction.

Invisible Border

Medium: Sketch Paper, colored Pencil, pencil

Size: 30cm x 23cm

Artist Statement: This piece is the clear separation that Urban and Suburban areas have between them. This piece is the only one that shows both an Urban area and Suburban area in the same piece and if this is about the comparisons and differences between then two , than there should be one piece that includes both. This shows the open land, colorful, and bright suburban area on the bottom right and the darker and dense urban area on the top left.

Two in One

Medium: Digital Art

Artist Statement: This piece of art was a combination of different styles of structural construction. This gives an idea of a Japanese and Greek type building. This structure is suppose to give off the idea that though many structures are very different in Urban and Suburban areas there is also going to be differences in culture and area.

Curatorial Rational

Christian Ceja - Curatorial Rationale Final