
My exhibition goes around the idea of my own dreams. Specifically one in general that I've had over the course of a couple years. I wanted to capture different scenes in the dream I had and transfer it into real life to show what I saw through my mind. It's my own way to show my own imagination to others.

Ahtziri Bello

Light the way

Medium: The medium in which I used for this piece would be acrylic paints as well as a small canvas

Size: 8 x 8 I believe

Artist Statement: The intention of this artwork is mostly due to a dream I had. It is also correlated with my previous artwork. It’s the same dream however, different parts of it that tell a story. In this case, it’s a lantern that will light the way to a forest.

Water Fairy

Medium: The medium in which I used for the piece would be my IPad Pro. Due to me using the app Procreate and doing all of this digitally.

Size: 2048 x 2048 px

Artist Statement: The intention of this artwork is mostly due to a dream I had. Which takes place in this almost secret fairy tale place that I only know. As for the character herself, she is a water fairy in the dream I saw. And, this is the way that I envisioned her.

Lily Pad Secret

Medium: For this piece I used a piece of wood and prismacolor colored pencils.

Size: 23 ⅕ cm

Artist Statement: In the same dream, this is a part where I spot a new creature. One which surprised me. I wanted to capture her expression and due to her being more of a dull color, her surroundings were pretty vibrant. Which made her stand out much more than the background.

Swamp Friend

Medium: I used marker paper as well as alcohol based markers. Size:Artist Statement: This piece is correlated with the other piece above. They are the same creature from my dream. However, this one is a closeup look at the piece.

New Path

Medium: Watercolor as well as watercolor paper. Size: Artist Statement: This piece revolves around the dream but in a sorta new setting in which it's from the point of view of inside the house.


Medium: Air dry clay, felt, and acrylic paint.Size: Artist Statement: This 3D art figure is a mushroom with a little snail at the top. With some green felt around the bottom. I think I loved the idea of having a tiny figure of something in one of my paintings.

Enchanted Forest

Medium: Oil PaintSize: Artist Statement: This painting was the biggest one I made and honestly the more detailed from the rest. It was the one I was looking forward to because it's the dream that I can remember most vividly to this day.

Curatorial Rational

Ahtziri Bello - Curatorial Rationale Final