Set 7

Activities Just for Fun

Need a change of pace? Try these!

If you find a solution or want to comment, email Mrs. Sween


Investigate the following...

  1. Artist Romain Langlois sculpts rocks that seem to be filled with a gooey, stretchy substance.

  2. Fatemah Hosein Aghaei takes stunning geometric photos of the inside of mosques.

  3. Ice drummers in Siberia using a lake as a musical instrument.

  4. Some delightful "banana manipulation" from juggler Joseph Viatte.

  5. Nope. Nope. Nope. Another optical illusion that hurt my brain. How can they both be the same shape!?

--source: Ian Byrd from Byrdseed

Critical Thinking...


What do these sets of three have in common?

  1. An airline, New York & a Jacuzzi

  2. Computers, football teams, & porch doors

  3. The key, the scale & the legend

  4. Turkeys, statues & initials

  5. Potato, rose, & taste

  6. Mud, pot, & coconut

  7. Bash, hoedown & shindig

Somes & More

Finish the phrase

  1. Mountains and...

  2. When all is said and...

  3. Up, up and...

  4. Tic, Tac and ...

  5. The cat and the ...

  6. Snow White and...

  7. Cheese and...

  8. Fair and ...

Word Rebuses